
Enrolment Information

Our session days are Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday (9:30am - 2:30pm).

  • Age requirements:

    • Playschool is primarily for children who have turned 3 by the 30th of April in the year they attend, and who are expected to attend preschool the following year.

    • In the early weeks of term one, children who have not turned 3 must be accompanied by a parent or carer until, the child’s third birthday.

    • If places are still available throughout the year, the playschool will continue to accept enrolments until at capacity. Children who turn 3 after the ‘cutoff date’ may be accepted if places are still available.

  • It is encouraged that children are toileting independently to attend (unfortunately we do not have the staffing to provide adequate active supervision and ensure that we maintain ratios if our staff are constantly having to change nappies.

  • Session fees are currently $65 per session.

  • Farrer Playschool operates in school terms only. Families are not charged for Public Holidays which fall on their child's Playschool day, however absences due to sickness or a personal holiday are invoiced.

  • Unfortunately, Farrer Playschool is NOT eligible for the Childcare Subsidy.

  • Priority

    • Returning students (children who are completing a consecutive year at Playschool) then

    • Returning families (families who have had an older child attend Farrer Playschool) will be given first priority

    • After this, families are accepted on a first come, first served basis.

2025 Enrolments

We still have places available for 2025. Please use the links/forms below if you are interested in a place for your child.